George & Chelsea 


We provide a unique experience with a dynamic approach & alternatives to weekly couples therapy sessions. We offer couples counseling, private intensive therapy, retreats, groups & workshops together as a couple.

Working with couples together allows both our male & female perspectives as well as our diverse, nontraditional approaches to remain present in the room.

We will take your relationship’s side.

We understand the hardships that accompany long-term relationships, & how past traumas can impact our present connection with our partner. We are not the “perfect” couple & have to work daily on our own relationship.

We know firsthand what it takes to maintain love long-term, & have a passion for helping couples succeed in their relationship at any stage. We are committed to making our own marriage last, just as we are committed to making yours last.

We view marriage as a covenant versus a contract, & always work toward restoring the goodness of your relationship.

The divorce rate in Orange County is nearly 75% & about 50% nationwide - don't be another statistic!

Statistics are the stories without the tears.

Research shows couples who work through their marital problems are happier 5 years later than couples who give up.

It may take one person to make a marriage unhappy, but it takes two being able to work together to restore it.

Make the decision now to find the true fulfillment of marriage you both committed to.

We are passionate about lowering the divorce rate across the country, & help couples work through the difficulties of their relationship while strengthening their marriage in different life stages through weekly individual counseling, couples intensive therapy, retreats, workshops, & groups, so they can reap the benefits of long-term, imperfect love.

We began dating in our last year of college where we were both psychology majors - George at Cal State Fullerton & Chelsea at UCLA.  After 3 years of time off, we decided to go back to school to earn our masters in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy at Azusa Pacific University (APU).  Our relationship survived through graduate school, & we were engaged and married after earning our degrees. 

We have had the greatest honor of becoming parents, surviving a NICU journey, & we have also had the immense privilege of traveling the world together. Our world travels have included visiting Kenya twice to do clinical work & cross-cultural counseling with those who have walked through traumatic life experiences, as well as those living with HIV/AIDS.  Chelsea authored a children's book for HIV positive children which is still being used in Kenya today.

Chelsea & George are Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists, & Chelsea is certified in perinatal mental health (PMH-C) and is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP). They are both relationship specialist counselors, the founders of Baby Bumps & Brushes, certified 7 Principles Program Educators, certified Bringing Baby Home Program Educators, trained in Levels I & II in the Gottman Method, trained in Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, & have specialized couples training in Treating Affairs & Trauma.

Chelsea has extensive experience stateside working with perinatal issues, those struggling with addiction/substance abuse as a former certified addiction treatment counselor, college students struggling with identity issues & self-harm behaviors, & female trauma. She is also an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Marriage & Family Therapy at APU, teaching Crisis & Trauma & Advanced Developmental Psychology. Outside of work she focuses on being present for her kids, hula dances through Saddleback Church, works on puzzles, sings karaoke in her living room, stimulates her mind through reading as many books as possible, & nurtures her creativity & spirituality through various expressive arts.

George has extensive experience stateside working alongside those struggling with addictive behaviors & substance abuse, men's issues, a PTSD diagnosis, & is a millennial male expert. He is a superhero to his kids, prioritizes family, focuses on his physical health through working out & playing disc golf, & nurtures his spiritual health daily.